Saturday, November 13, 2010

What? I need a new Dr., ASAP.

Something has really been bothering me. When we were in our ‘consult’ with Dr. K about Owen’s biopsy results, he kept referring to skin rashes. Yes, Owen has Eczema and I have mentioned that to him and asked if there was any correlation to a break out and his diet but by no means have I ever relayed to him that that was why we came to him in the first place. Always, from day one, it has been about Owen curling up in a bawl, crying out in pain, and his slimy, bloody diapers. And at the very end of our last meeting, if I remember correctly, he said in doing the food challenges, I should ignore the skin rashes and just push through. I had both kids with me, it was half past six in the evening and they were tired and cranky to say the least. We had already been there for 2.5 hours and I was ready to leave. What he said stuck with me, but honestly, in the moment, I didn’t have the energy to make him clarify.

So over the weekend I reviewed the biopsy results. And right there at the bottom, clear as day, the lab was told “child breaks out in skin rash with the consumption of food.”

What the hell????????????

What about everything else. The big stuff? I don’t care about a minor case of Eczema. That is the least of my worries. And honestly, so long as I am good about coating him with Cetaphil three times a day, it isn’t that bad.

I have been putting off finding another doctor. One, we are supposedly with the best pediatric GI in town. Two, I don’t want to start from the beginning. Three, our regular pediatrician said Dr. K had the best ‘bedside’ manner and all the others were basically jerks. But it has gotten to the point of ridiculousness.

Any recommendation for a pediatric gastroenterologist in the Houston area is greatly welcomed.

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