Saturday, November 13, 2010

I suspect sugar even more now...

We met with the GI doc on November 10. I relayed the results to everyone on the 11th. By that afternoon, Owen had come down with something and we were headed for a long weekend of hunkering down. Over the past few months we have determined that Tylenol doesn't affect his GI tract but we suspect that Motrin does. But when his fever spiked to 104.7, I had no choice. I had to alternate between the two just to make him comfortable. AND, he was put on Amoxicillin. Oh, that is a lot of sugar and I cringe just thinking about it. But, we had JUST BEEN TOLD he didn’t suffer from sugar problems. Guess what, last night he reacted. I am just that much more convinced it is sugar. Or at least a certain amount of sugar. Maybe if we come up with a good rotation schedule he can have sugar???

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