Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Thanksgiving is my all time, favorite holiday. So, in the spirit of the day, I thought I would list what I am thankful for…and then my list started to get too long. Below is a short list, and the most important:

My husband
Healthy Children
Nutramigen AA
My job

We have had such an interesting year. Lots of ups and downs but all in all, 2010 has been one of my favorites.

The first goes without saying, but it is so important to me, so I had to share. In 2010, Chad has stepped up to be a fantastic father and husband. Not that he wasn’t before, but before he didn’t have the sleepless nights and a working wife like he does now. He encourages me in my career and carries the burden of childrearing equally. In 2010, we found Nutramigen AA. Without it, I don’t know how Owen would have survived. He is thriving despite having not been able to eat. This truly has sustained him. I got a new job, which I absolutely love. I enjoy what I do every step of the way and I know I am respected and appreciated. With this new job, I have met new people who I know will be dear friends for rest of my life. We found the most amazing school ever. The teachers there have taken our children under their wings and prayed for them as if they were their own. And to top all that off, it looks as if we are closer to solving Owen’s GI issues.

I am so excited and full of hope. I can’t wait to turn my computer off tonight and go into a long weekend spent with my mom, dad, grandmother, husband and children (oh, and try chicken on Owen!).

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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