Monday, November 22, 2010

Excited & Hopeful!

I am excited and encouraged; more so than I have been in some time. Last week I had a conference call with Catherine Kruppa, registered dietician. She was so sweet and sympathetic and sounded as if she wanted to relieve Owen of his pain as much as Chad and I do. I can’t even begin to express how excited I am to be working with her! Our first face-to-face meeting is November 30th. This past weekend she took it upon herself to check into some things for Owen and consult with others in her field and friends of hers in different fields. While she suspected sugar too from our initial conversation, it looks as if she is leaning towards a severe case of Celiac as his problem. Won’t that be wonderful? Celiac is no fun but it is way, way better than a sugar intolerance. Over the holiday weekend, we are going to try 100% natural chicken. Maybe even at the Thanksgiving table. It’s fun to think he will sit down and eat with us for the first time!!! Catherine is hopeful as we are, that chicken will work.

I also met a new friend this past weekend who has been struggling herself with GI and other issues. No one could figure it out and then she, on her own, eliminated gluten from her diet and she is doing so much better now. The things she was telling me about Celiac just blew me away…there is so much I don’t know.

Hopefully we get his final blood work-up back this week. While he already tested positive for Celiac, I think this test will just be a confirmation.

Chad and I have been thinking seriously about changing our diet as a family and not just accommodating Owen. And we have decided, as hard as it will be, our home will be a safe home for him. He should be able to eat whatever is in our home.

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