Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More doctors...

More Doctor visits…

My Aunt forwarded me this story. I want to start off by saying I in no way think Owen has it this bad and I am forever grateful for that reality. However, I do think he has a more mild version. And I am frustrated to no end for this mom, me and so many others out there that are not getting the help we need. I have heard of FPIES before but I dismissed it…until I read Landon’s story. Now, I am not so sure. Owen has exhibited every symptom Landon has. The only difference is that Owen is thriving. That wasn’t always the case. He was born underweight and remained that way until late January of 2010. I have said this before and I will say it again, Owen is thriving only because of the Nutramigen AA (elemental formula). A friend recommended this to me after I cried to her about Owen (note our pediatrician didn’t recommend it) and within a day of putting him on it, he was a different baby. Just because someone was kind enough to point me in this direction and just because we had the financial ability to pay $700 per month to feed our baby, it does not mean that he doesn’t need a diagnosis. He is still sick. If it weren’t for this formula, I am confident Owen would have been classified as failure to thrive. After starting the Nutramigen AA he jumped to the 90th percentile in a few weeks!

So we are going in for a follow up with Dr. K on Wednesday. I am scared. I plan to walk in armed with this article. I am praying he listens.

Then next week, I am interviewing a new pediatrician. We like our current one okay but I think if we found another who was a better champion for Owen’s cause, life would be a little easier (or at least it would be a little easier to get a new GI doc or to get the one we have to listen to us).

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