Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Stuff.

O wow, it has been over a month! Again, so much has happened, I don’t know where to begin. How about Coconut Milk?!? Yes, Owen is drinking this fabulous stuff. We do half coconut milk, half Nutramigen. Man o man is it tasty (a little thick for my liking but yummy nonetheless). His diet now consists of a white flakey fish, boars head deli turkey (gluten free), cauliflower, mum mums, an occasional GF chicken nugget, and potatoes. We are having second thoughts though about the potatoes. They had become a staple but we have seen too much of old Owen so we are thinking it was/is the potatoes. He is currently suffering from a stomach bug - lots of vomiting and other stuff but no crying out in pain. I plan on making ground turkey for him once he passes this bugger thing.

We have fun news to announce…we bought a house! We are so excited and ready to get in there and make it our home. We were planning on waiting and saving until we could buy our dream home but the more we thought about it, the more the price tag on my “dream” home made us sick…and then this little gem popped up. It is going to take lots of love and attention but we will get there eventually. The best part about the house…it is super close to both sets of grandparents and just a miles’ walk from the world’s two best babysitters. We are a little worried that we won’t be so close to Texas Children’s anymore but they are building a West campus. Soon, it will be just like we never left.

We have a follow up with the GI doctor in March. Chad met with his neurologist last week (work kept me from going) and life seems to be settling down a bit. Last week and the week before were really, really hard with O and his poor tummy. He was waking more and crying out in pain more. Again, we have made some adjustments to his diet and hopefully, that will settle down too.

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