Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Magic Cream

I meant to post a story about magic cream months ago (November) but never got around to it. This is what it was:

Yesterday Owen had blood drawn, again. I am really seeing that all the moms that go in and out of TCH look out for each other. For example, the last time Owen had blood work a little girl (5 or so) started talking to us. She proudly showed off her ‘magic cream’ and asked why Owen didn’t have any. I looked over to her mom sheepishly and asked “what is magic cream” and she told me there was numbing cream they put on the kids so they wouldn’t feel the needle. Say what? I hadn’t been told about this. So we went to the front desk and asked for the numbing cream. As it turns out, the doctor ordering the work-up had to request it. Dr. K did not … So this time, when we were handed our lab order, we asked for it!!! Poor guy still hated being restrained but he didn’t even flinch when they inserted the needle. Awesome! I love that I was about to make it a little better for him. And what made it even better, I was able to pass the information on to another mom. Her poor son was 12 or so and had been having blood drawn for years and they never heard it either. Come on doctors.

On June 1, Owen got magic cream again…this stuff really is amazing. He didn’t shed ONE tear. In fact, he didn’t fight at all. Sure does make the whole process a lot more bearable. I will be forever grateful to that sweet little girl who passed along this helpful info.


On June 1 we went to see Dr. K. Owen wasn’t scheduled for his regular 3 month visit until June 22 but after some interesting moments and weeks, our new pediatrician called to tell him he needed to see Owen sooner.

In recent weeks, we have had numerous high temperatures (104.8 being the highest), his entire body covered in a rash that looked like hives, a patch of eczema that won’t go away, the accidental consumption of wheat and dairy, and a lot of bloody diapers.

I am tempted to believe Dr. K that we now have a plan to figure out what is going on, but I don’t want to get my hopes up.

As I have mentioned before, Owen was on Nutramigen AA (no dairy) from January 2010 through January 2011 but we took him off when things seemed to be getting better and put him on Nutramigen (does contain some dairy but it is broken down to its most elemental form). On June 1 we took four more vials of his blood. Lots of tests are being run but the one I am most immediately concerned with, is a test to determine if we need to put him back on Nutramigen AA. I should hear the results tomorrow. If we need to take a step back, I will do so in a heartbeat. Whatever is best for him, we will do. But, I would be very sad if this were the case. It is very expensive and we are fortunate to be able to afford this. It isn’t the price that makes me sad. It is the fear that he will have to drink this for the rest of his life. We shall see…

On July 11 we are meeting with an immunologist at Texas Children’s. If the immunologist cannot answer what plagues Owen, Dr. K promises to schedule Owen for an upper GI biopsy, colonoscopy, and liver biopsy. I am praying that we have answers by August 13 (the year anniversary from when we starting seeing Dr. K).