Monday, January 3, 2011


I am not a patient person. Having children has taught me some patience but I still struggle with it.

Feeding Owen is something that is requiring a ton of patience. I guess, in a way, my lack of patience is paying off in that I am not waiting too long between foods to introduce new things and that is helping speed this process up. But when it takes an hour to feed him, I lose it. Or come very close to losing it.

The kid refuses to eat. He will take one or two bites no problem, and then he slams his jaw shut and refuses to open. Admittedly, I have pried his teeth apart and shoved in a bite or two. He cries, I want to cry…It is just miserable. I have to find a way to make this more enjoyable for the both of us. I don’t want to scar him for life. Eating is a wonderful thing. There are some tasty items out there…even for a kid on a gluten free diet. Did you know Blue Bell is gluten free (so long as there are no gluten containing products in the ice cream – like Oreos). We still aren’t giving him dairy or soy products but when we do, I can’t wait to place a big bowl of Blue Bell’s Dutch Chocolate ice cream in front of him.

So we are thinking we are going to stop giving him bottles of his formula. Eventually he will get so hungry he will eat. Selfishly though, this means more sleepless nights…and I am a huge fan of sleep.

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